Tamil independent cinema

Making of Asvagosh, the documentary: An interview with Vamsi & Uma Kathir

The World of Apu speaks to Vamsi and Uma Kathir, the makers of a documentary on Tamil writer Rajendra Cholan.

5 years ago

IFFC 2019: A Voice of Rebellion

P. Lakshmi Narayanan attends the Independent Film Festival of Chennai 2019.

6 years ago

Competing victories: Battle of sensibilities in Tamil cinema

Madhu watches two contemporaneous Tamil movies and writes about them.

6 years ago

Revelations – A new aesthetic in Tamil cinema

Nilavazhagan writes in great detail about the artistic choices that make the Tamil independent film Revelations stand out.

6 years ago

ரெவலேஷன்ஸ் – தமிழ் சினிமாவில் புதிய அழகியல்

சுயாதீன தமிழ்ப் படமான ரெவலேஷன்ஸ் தனித்தன்மை பெற்றிருப்பதற்குக் காரணமான கலைநயத் தெரிவுகளை விவரிக்கிறார் நிலவழகன்.

6 years ago